Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Semester Project

For my semester project, I plan to create a zine based on women body shaming. Women in ads are shown to have the perfect body, but not everyone has that kind of body. So women are taught and told to change their bodies to fit in society's view of a perfect body. I've researched women experiencing body shaming, one for example, was praised for her weight loss after she developed anorexia. Or told they would not be loved unless they lose weight. Women are criticized for being too big or too thin, so I want to do something on how it affects people mentally or emotionally in my perspective. After looking at "Waiting like a prostitute, Half Shamed Half Despaired" by Zhu Tian, this piece of art involved daily routines people do but with neon lights it gives a different meaning. I'll be doing it similarly to the art piece but as drawings and more based on the physical body. I chose to do the zine about body shaming because I wanted to see how others would perceive body shaming from my work as well as spread awareness. It's important to me because I've read a lot of people criticizing children, telling them to worry about dieting to a point of harming themselves, forming eating disorders, as well as having low self-confidence.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your idea for spreading awareness on women's body shaming, it is a very important topic for young women right now. To help stress the idea of how women are affected both physically and mentally I think you can even talk about models who have passed away from their eating disorders just because they wanted to fit in the industry. Some examples are Bethaney Wallace or Anna Carolina Reston


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