Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Semester Project Proposal / Patricia Ramirez

For my semester project I would like to create a blog that follows the theme of domestic/sexual violence against women. I will create a tumblr that will be filled with posts, pictures and articles all in relation to this topic. I want to focus on women artists and how they take this subject and turn it into art. I will analyze their art and viewpoints for viewers of this blog to understand the importance of awareness on domestic/sexual violence. In addition to that I want to include various posts from women who have suffered from this kind of abuse to show the how big the problem is and for them to offer advice.

As a business major who plans to explore marketing, I believe that creating this blog will help improve my creativity levels. In the future I hope to be able to work on big businesses websites to edit and design them. Creating the tumblr and editing it will be a good start for me. I also want this project to teach me more that I did not know about in regards to sexual/domestic violence. I wanted to create a tumblr that resembles one that I have seen called “project unbreakable” (projectunbreakable.tumblr.com). This blog was made to give a voice to survivors of sexual/domestic violence through photography. However, I will show more than just photography. While doing research I have found a vast amount of women who have taken their art and related them to these topics. Their art is in the form of painting, visual arts and poetry. Some names are Dipti Kulkarni, Yoko Ono, Emma Sulkowicz, Frizz Kid and more. These artists bring the issues to life in a way that others can understand and relate to.


  1. Nice proposal. Here is a link you may or may not want to use.

  2. This is a good topic to focus the project on, I feel that maybe you can make the viewer kind of relate to the feelings that victims go through. They aren't in the same position but we all express ourselves through anger, sadness, and anxiety.


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