Monday, December 11, 2017

Semester Project Post

Heather Galler, a painter whose style is folk art has focused some of her paintings on the human body and the human anatomy. I chose Galler as an inspiration for my semester project because her concentration on the human body gave me the idea to paint women’s body. I wanted to portray the body of women to address a controversial issue about abortion. Abortion being legal or illegal. The most important part of this issue is other people deciding what a woman is allowed to do to her body. 

People in power are mostly men, and it is wrong that they are the ones who get to decide if a woman can or cannot get an abortion as they can never experience the changes in the body, the life threatening pregnancies, and or any difficult situation the woman might be going through while she is pregnant. I decided to paint parts of the internal body as Galler has painted, for example the heart which keeps the woman alive as well as the baby, the lower abdomen where the baby resides for nine months, and the brain where the woman gets to decide to keep the baby or not as we cannot dictate another person’s choice for them. 

The reason why I support abortion is because “In 2015, a total of 229,715 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years” in the United States, these girls might be in the situation where the father is also young and might not be ready, they might not have a support system from their partners and even their parents. In this case they cannot be responsible to bear the responsibility alone and should have rights to options. This is just one of the many examples of personal situations where a woman should be allowed to have the choice to not have a baby if she is not ready. For men it is easy to walk away but women cannot because they are the ones who carry the child.


The distribution of my project is going to be through flyers. They are personalized work of arts that people can easily stick on walls. It is meant to spread and promote the message among the community
"You are in Control"
This piece is supposed to give power back to women, no one else should be in control of their bodies. 
 "Your Body, Your Choice" 
A woman should be able to have the freedom, freedom to wear what she wants, walk as she wants, sit as she wants. She not have to follow cultural and societal views of how a "lady" should act.
"Your Decision"
Women should have the choice and someone else should not decide what is best for them. Women have brains, they are smart just like men. So only men having opinions and decisions is not right specially in regards to an issue that is only relevant for a woman.

Works Cited

“Reproductive Health: Teen Pregnancy.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 9 May 2017,


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